3S Logo and Tagline

What is it?

The 3S Movement Workstation Wellness Program is a self-care intervention to promote health and prevent disease.

The 3S Movement Challenge is a 4 week challenge throughout the month of March. Win prizes and improve your health just by standing, sipping, and stretching throughout your workday!

What do the 3S’s stand for?

  • Stand
  • Stretch
  • Sip

How does this program work?

The rules are simple. Your goal is to SIP, STAND, and STRETCH every hour that you are working. We know many are working virtual. Not a problem! Same concept applies – move and sip for every hour you are working.  

SIP – The goal is to increase hydration by drinking water each hour. How much water you need per day is dependent on many things such as size and activity level. There are several water intake calculators available online to determine what your body needs. No minimum amount is required for the challenge – just do your best to sip every hour! Coffee, tea, and infused waters do count towards your intake but we encourage you to do your best to drink water in its purest form!

STAND – The goal is to stand up, or move your body,  for a minimum of one minute and increase to five minutes every hour, if allowable. You are able to add other exercises if you choose, such as taking a short walk down the hall. 

STRETCH – The goal is to, ideally, select stretches that target the parts of your body that are engaging in repetitive movements or being held static from looking at the computer (e.g. neck, shoulders, etc).  We will send examples, videos and flyers to help!

TRACK: Starting March 1st, begin tracking. We will email you one or use your own form! At the end of the week, you will fill out a simple Google Form (emailed to you at the beginning of each week) checking off the days you tracked and submit it to HealthyUNCG by Monday at 5pm (don’t worry, we will remind you!).     

It is important to note that even if you did not sip, stand or stretch every hour, you will STILL RECEIVE credit for the day/week, just by submitting the Google form! Just note your total sip, stand, and stretch for the day. Don’t give up! Tracking and reporting heightens our awareness of our typical behaviors and identifies room for improvement and growth!  

For each week your form is submitted, you will receive an entry to win one of our weekly prizes! Get bonus entries for completing weekly challenges! At the end of the challenge, all entries will be put into a drawing for a grand prize.



Want more information? Contact us!  [email protected] or 336-334-4131