HealthyUNCG wants to help you discover a healthier U by offering you the opportunity to take the Personal Wellness Profile (PWP).


The Personal Wellness Profile is a general health assessment that measures overall health and well-being. This assessment is designed to help you:

  • Identify existing behaviors that are considered good health practices.
  • Identify protective and health risk factors.
  • Get a comprehensive picture of your health and lifestyle based on current scientific guidelines for optimal health and disease prevention.
  • Make healthy lifestyle decisions.


HealthyUNCG Research Study

This is a research study. You do not have to participate in the study to complete the online Personal Wellness Profile. You have the opportunity to complete an online health risk appraisal called the Personal Wellnes Profile (PWP). Your personalized report will give you information about your potential future health risks.  If you are willing, you are being asked if the HealthyUNCG team can use your data as part of an ongoing research study on how we are doing in helping UNCG employees reduce their risks.  We will only report group data so that nobody can identify your answers.  This study will allow us to share what we find with others to help them serve their employees better.  You do not have to participate in the study to complete the online Personal Wellness Profile.

By using the data from the PWP, we are trying to find out about the health needs of the UNCG employees. The information we gather from the appraisal will provide baseline data for you and the university community as a whole to help us target specific areas to change.  The information will be used to develop and implement educational, policy, or environmental change activities in areas that could impact the health of employees. The data from the PWPs will also be made available as a secondary data resource to faculty and students to be used for research, evaluation, and program planning purposes, all aimed at reducing your risk and improving health.


As an employee of the University of North Carolina Greensboro, you are being asked to complete a Personal Wellness Profile (PWP)questionnaire online.

It will take you about 30 minutes to complete the online questionnaire and a half hour to review your personalized report and discuss any questions with a health educator.

You also have the option to complete some physical measurements (such as blood pressure, heart rate, height, weight, hip girth, and waist circumference) that will be entered into your electronic Personal Wellness Profile.  If you decide to meet with a health educator from HealthyUNCG and have your measurements taken you will be asked to complete a new consent form.

Based on the results of your PWP, you may be invited to participate in activities, such as seminars or workshops, classes, health screenings and incentive programs.

The amount of time each of these activities takes will vary from a 1 time health screening session that takes 30 minutes or a 1 time 1 hour workshop, to a 10 week program that takes 1 hour per week.  For each activity that you are invited to participate in you will be give detailed information about what the activity is and how much time it will take to participate in it.

As part of the study you will receive your persoanlized PWP Report that will provide information on your current behaviors, potential future risks, and things that you could do to improve your health.

If you have any concerns about your rights, how you are being treated or if you have questions, want more information or have suggestions, please contact the Office of Research Compliance at UNCG at (336) 256-1482. Questions, concerns or complaints about this project or benefits or risks associated with being in this study can be answered by Daniel Bibeau at (333) 334-5527 or [email protected].

A potential risk to participants is embarrassment completing components of the HRA.  The same potential risks exist for follow-up activities.

Leaving the study
This study is voluntary. You are free to refuse to participate or to withdraw your consent at any time.  There will be no penalty or unfair treatment if you choose not to be in the study or to withdraw later.  You may still complete the PWPl and receive your results, even if you do not want your data to be used in the study.  If you choose to withdraw later, you may request that any of your data which has been collected be destroyed unless it is in a de-identifiable state.

My personal information

Your privacy will be protected; all information obtained in this study is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law.  Your name or other identifiable information will be kept strictly confidential and will never be linked to your answers or results except for documents given directly to you alone.  If your identity is necessary for a follow-up activity or study, we will contact you and ask if you are willing to participate and ask you to sign a new consent form.

This is a web based activity. Absolute confidentiality of data provided through the Internet cannot be guaranteed due to the limited protections of Internet access. Please be sure to close your browser when finished so no one will be able to see what you have been doing.

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Institutional Review Board has approved this study, its consent form, and the earlier verbal discussion.

Voluntary Consent:

By clicking the AGREE button,  you are agreeing that you have read this information, or that it has been read to you and you fully understand the contents of this document and are openly willing to consent to take part in this study.  All of your questions concerning this study have been answered.
By clicking the AGREE button, you are agreeing that you are 18 years of age or older and are agreeing to participate, or have the individual specified above as a participant participate, in this study described to you by the study administrator.

I AGREE to PARTICIPATE in this study and would like to begin the Personal Wellness Profile.


If you choose not to participate in the study Click the DO NOT AGREE button and you will be directed to a link to take the PWP. Your information will not be used in the Research Study. You will be able to take the PWP, enter biometric measurements, and see the results of the PWP. You are also still eligible for health coaching and all other programs and services offered by HealthyUNCG.

I DO NOT AGREE to PARTICIPATE in this study but I would like to begin the Personal Wellness Profile.